Tuesday 17 February 2015

Proper Corned Beef Pie

You've 'corned' your own beef and made some corned beef hash. The end is in sight. You now need to make the pie!

Firstly the shortcrust pastry. The recipe for this is easy to remember. You need half as much fat as flour. I'm looking for a traditional pastry so part of my fat will be luscious lard.

600g plain flour
200g unsalted butter
100g lard

I would normally use a blender to make the pastry, but our Magimix is knackered so I'm doing it by hand. Luckily I found a small child to mix the flour, butter and lard together until we were left with breadcrumbs.

Once you have breadcrumbs add a little water, a bit at a time and mix together with a knife. After about 150ml ours was ready to bring together into a ball. Sling it into a plastic bag and whack into the fridge for 30 mins or so.

Next grease your cake tin. With lard! Don't worry, it works. We want a massive pie so we used a deep 9 inch spring form.

Lastly plonk the pastry in, fill in any gaps, fill with hash, sit the top on and fork around the edges to seal. 180 for about 45 minutes will do it.

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