Saturday 14 February 2015

Salt Beef - Corned Beef (With added Prague Powder!)

This is a doddle to make and sets you up nicely for the king of all corned beef hash pies!

Firstly, you need a nice piece of brisket. No other cut will do so don't let anybody tell you it will! Mine was 1.3kg.

Next you'll need to make the brine that's going to cure this lovely fatty beefy lump.

5l water
750g of cheap salt (The cheaper the better)
300g light brown sugar
3 tps Prague Powder
2 bay leaves
4 cloves
1 star anise
5 juniper berries (squashed)
pepper corns (small handful)
2 cardamon pods
sprig of thyme

Plonk it all in and bring it to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar and the salt. As soon as it comes to the boil turn it off and let it cool completely.

Once it's cooled transfer the brine to a non-metallic receptacle, in my case a lego storage box.

Pop the beef in and weight down with something to keep it submerged. Chuck it in the fridge and forget about it for 48 hours!

I'll be back in a couple of days with the next part! The slow inevitable simmer towards corned beef - salt beef perfection!

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