Sunday 26 April 2015

Lamb Prosciutto - About 10 days in.

I weighed both pieces on Friday to see if they were nearing their target weights. The little piece weighed only 195g, less than it's target weight of 210g. So in theory that piece is ready. It felt a little soft to me though and rather than have a repeat of the bresaola cock-up (now in the bin) I have decided it can go back in the loft for another week.
The larger piece certainly looks the part and now weighs 597g, target weight 542.5g. Let's see what it weighs next week.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Lamb Prosciutto - Next Bit

The lamb has now had 15 days in the cure mix. I gave it a good wash in cold water then dried it thoroughly.

Next job is to roll it up nice and tight. You don't really want any air getting into the middle. If you YouTube butchers knot there are plenty of demos. It's not as easy as it looks and mine didn't work out too great, but they'll do.

Before hanging them out to dry weigh them. They are ready after they have lost 30% of their weight. 

I'll weight these once a week until they hit their target weight!